Junsu's Dish Creation And How To Make It

DWAWG Junsu created 'Fish Cake Kimbab'.

In the last broadcast of 'Switch Dad Special' DWAWG (Nov 3rd), Actor Lee Jonghyuk's son, Lee Junsu had dinner together with Kim Sungjoo.

Kim Sungjoo asked Junsu,  "What food do you want to make?", he asked the recipe to Junsu.

Junsu said, "Put rice on fish cake." Kim Sungjoo did as what Junsu told him, put rice to fish cake. After that, he also put kimchi and sausage on top of the rice. "The last is sprinkling ketchup and rolled it as 'fish cake kimbab'."

Kim Sungjoo tasted it curiously, "It's so delicious. It's really good."

Netizen commented on the topic, "Fish cake kimbab looks delicious", "It's cute", "He's growing up."

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How To Make Junsu's Kkumteuli

Last week, Kim Sungjoo and Junsu made dinner food in DWAWG.
Junsu told Kim Sungjoo the ingredients and how to make the food.
Junsu was asked what's the food name and he said "Kkumteuli"

As expected, Junsu got good idea for name.


  • One bowl of rice
  • 2 pcs fish cake
  • Few ham
  • Little bit Kimchi
  • Ketchup


1. Grill fish cake for a while

2. Because we don't have wienerwurst, just using Ham, ㅎㅎ 
please grill it for a moment and fry little bit kimchi too

3. Put and spread the rice on grilled fishcake

4. Put ham on top of it

5. Put kimchi too

6. And here's the point~

Squeeze the ketchup 'kkumteul kkumteul' 
(I squezzed little to much ㅋㅋ)

Kkumteuli Completed

The important thing when eat it, use plastic gloves.

Source: Naver Blog