Text Preview of DWAWG Episode 41 [131013]

Summer has passed and 'enjoy the cool special' is coming ?!

Minguk is wondering what happened behind the well ?

DWAWG to be broadcasted on Sunday, October 13 is Minguk's the-well trip. They said if someone looks beyond the well at 12AM, the living ghost will pull that person, the kids are freakified.

With dissapear ghost and Dad, unexplained mystery of life makes the children panics, Minguk is crying and Hoo is screaming, "Dad~" while wondering what could be happen.

And then, the kids are washing adults's blanket in the village with little step by their small feet. Washing time has captured in the sparkling stream of autumn light.

Five children are enthusiast to disclose short-handed farming village will be broadcast on October 13 (Sunday).