MBC Says DWAWG is Going To New Zealand

New Zealand has been chosen as the first foreign location.

According to the official of MBC on October 11, "MBC Sunday Night DWAWG will be leaving abroad at the end of this month. Not only dads and their kids, but with all of their families including their siblings will leave on a trip overseas, as well as preparing their vacation time."

Few months a go, Switzerland, Spain and other countries was the destination candidates but after all consideration, the beautiful scenery of the wilderness of New Zealand is the best place for family to healing.

He said, "After lot of reviews and researches the various parts in New Zealand, we decided to leave for 6 days and 5 nights."

"DWAWG gave much power to MBC weekend entertainment program resurrection, thanks to all the members for sunday night higher level," the official added.

Netizen has shown their responses to DWAWG Goes To New Zealand, "DWAWG is going vacation to New Zealand, envy !", "DWAWG is going to New Zealand ? They are going with their family, so their siblings will going too right?", "I want to see Minyul and Sung Bin again."

Foreign Special will be broadcast in late November. DWAWG is real variety show about five dads and kids goes together to go on vacation for 2 days and 1 night, the show airs every Sunday at 4.55 PM.

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